Have the pleasure to invite you to a seminar on today’s real threats over the Internet: Hacking versus Security.
Where: Hotel Sofitel Kirchberg
When: Tuesday 2nd of March 2010 (6:30PM registration starts)
Entrance: Free
Reservations: Before 26th of February:
Online: http://www.firsttuesday.lu/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=344
by Mail: info@firsttuesday.lu
Save Event to Outlook Calendar:http://www.romlux.org/uploads/20100302LUHackingVSSecurity/HACKINGvsSecurity-RomluxFirstTuesdaySeminar.ics
6.30pm Hotel Sofitel Kirchberg registration
7pm Start
Moderator Steve Glange
Introduction by S.E. Vlad Alexandrescu, Ambassador of Romania in Luxembourg (http://luxemburg.mae.ro/)
Subject: Risks and dangers of the Hacker
Speaker: Gabriella Rapp – CASES(http://www.cases.lu), Ministry of the Economy, Luxembourg(http://www.eco.public.lu/)
Download Presentation:http://www.romlux.org/forum/20100302RomLuxHacking_Security_GR_en.ppt
Subject: General Attack factors of the Hacker
- The weakest links
- Real life examples
Speaker:Steve Clement – CASES(http://www.cases.lu) and Hackers Space(https://www.hackerspace.lu/wiki/Syn2cat)
Subject: Legal Issues related to hackers and data protection
Speaker:Guy Modert – Head of Legal Department P&T Luxembourg (http://www.ept.lu)
Subject: Overview. Case studies.
Speaker: Alain Kleuls, Police Inspector – Police Luxembourg (http://police.lu),
Download Presentation:http://www.romlux.org/forum/20100302RomLuxHacking_Security_SPJ-NT_firsttuesday.pdf
Round Table with Speakers and Moderator Steve Glange: Discussion
End of Programme around 20h30 to 21h00
No Costs or entrance fees for this event. Drinks are payable individually.