Race for Bazar International 2013

If you’ve ever watched pro drivers race and wished you could do the same, here is your chance! Race for charity: Invitation from the Romanian stnd at Bazar International If you’ve ever watched pro drivers race and wished you could do the same, here is your chance!  Bring your colleagues and register your own team…

Bazar International 2012 et la Fête Nationale de la Roumanie

Bazar International 2012 http://www.bazar-international.lu Où: LuxExpo, Kirchberg-Luxembourg http://www.luxexpo.lu Quand: Saturday 1.12.2012: 11:00-19:00 Sunday 2.12.2012: 10:00-18:00 Le stand Roumain cette année: 2A07 in Hall 2 (download Bazar Plan) Notre Page Facenbook et autres détails: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Romania-Stand-at-Bazar-International-de-Luxembourg/497914113553075 Cette année la Fête Nationale de la Roumanie tombe le premier jour du Bazar: le 1 Décembre 2012. A cette occasion…

Romania – investing in EU emerging market

Romania Luxembourg Business Forum Asbl Wednesday, 21 November 2012 at 18:00 (CET) Cercle Münster Luxembourg 5-7, rue Münster 2160 Luxembourg, Luxembourg This event address to the local business community and aims to bring together investors and professionals in finance or industry interested about the current investment opportunities in Romania as one of the most important…


Au profit du Bazar International – stand de Roumanie Vendredi 9 novembre 2012 RÉCITAL DE BIENFAISANCE RÉCITAL DE et CHRISTIAN CRUTARCIUC (mezzo-soprano, piano) PROGRAMME: A. Vivaldi : Sposa son disprezzata ( air ) G. Enescu : Aux damoyselles paresseuses ( mélodie de “7 chansons de Clément Marot” ) G. Enescu : Du confict en douleur ( mélodie de…

Race for Bazar International

If you’ve ever watched pro drivers race and wished you could do the same, here is your chance! Race for charity Invitation from the Romanian stand at Bazar International If you’ve ever watched pro drivers race and wished you could do the same, here is your chance!  Bring your colleagues and register your own team…

Greater Region Business Days 2012

Camera de Comert a Marelui Ducat de Luxembourg organizeaza in data de 13 si 14 Iunie 2012, târgul de afaceri “Greater region Business days 2012” – GR-BusinesDays.com. Toate intreprinderile mici si mijlocii precum si start up-urile interesate sa dezvolte relatii de afaceri in zona numita Marea Regiune sunt invitate sa ia parte la acest targ…

Invitation Fête Nationale de la Roumanie

Sous le Haut Patronage de lAmbassade de Roumanie à Luxembourg, BGL BNP Paribas, Romania Luxembourg Business Forum asbl et l’association Luxembourg-Roumanie Asbl ont le plaisir de vous inviter à loccasion de la Fête Nationale de la Roumanie à la soirée « REMEMBER MARIA TÃNASE »  interprétée par Claudia Negroiu sous la direction de Mălina Andrei…

Bazar International 2011

Bazar International 2011 http://www.bazar-international.lu Unde: LuxExpo, Kirchberg-Luxembourg http://www.luxexpo.lu Cand: Sambata 26.11.2011: 11:00-19:00 Duminica 27.11.2011: 10:00-18:00 Unde ne gasiti: Standul 9A67 Detalii: Forum RomLux Asbl Pentru a cincilea an consecutiv RomLux Asbl organizeaza standul Romaniei in stransa colaborare cu partenerii traditionali: Ambasada Romaniei in Luxembourg http://luxemburg.mae.ro Agrilux S.A. et Walfer Shopping Center: http://www.walfer-shopping-center.lu Vins Roumains à Luxembourg…