Investing in art & Art of investing

Dear Romlux members, partners and friends, What is the value of an art masterpiece you wish to invest in? What is the origin of this value? How can neuroscience help understand art and financial investments? It is with great pleasure that we invite you to a new event in the REN series (Romanian Entprepreneurs Network).…

Edward Steichen & Constantin Brancusi – une exposition inédite à Luxembourg

Romlux Asbl vous propose un événement remarquable et unique à Luxembourg juste avant les fêtes de fin d’année: une exposition d’art commémoratif en hommage au photographe américain luxembourgeois Edward Steichen et à sa relation avec le sculpteur français d’origine roumaine et de renommée mondiale Constantin Brancusi, initiateur de la sculpture moderne dont l’Atelier – Musée…

Récital de bienfaisance en faveur du Bazar International

Chers amis et sympathisants, Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à son traditionnel récital de bienfaisance en faveur du Bazar International, qui se tiendra dans l’agréable ambiance du Cercle Munster.. Nous serons enchantés par la soprano Elena Tanase et la mezzo-soprano Ruxandra Barac, accompagnées au piano par Katrin Reifenrath. Ci-joint le programme  artistique d’exception qu’elles…

Luxembourg Road-Show for Romanian Venture Capital Funds

You are invited to a road-show dedicated to the 3 most successful Romanian Venture Capital funds (Gecad Ventures, GapMinder and 3TS-Catalyst Romania). This event will showcase the investment opportunities in the Romanian start up scene that recently saw its first unicorn unfold: UiPath – robotic automation. It will also cast a light on the most successful venture capitalists and serial entrepreneurs in Romania as well as introduce them to Luxembourg network of private investors, business angels, venture capitalists, fund of funds, private bankers and family offices. We propose this event in partnership with LPEA (Luxembourg Private Equity Association) and Startup Grind Luxembourg Chapter.


On January 18th 2018, the Chamber of Commerce of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Romanian Embassy in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Romania-Luxembourg Business Forum asbl will organize a country seminar on the various business opportunities in Romania. The seminar, open to all sectors of activity, will also include a presentation of the Romanian…

Diaspora Întreprinzătoare ajunge pe 12 decembrie în Luxemburg

Pe data de 12 decembrie, începând cu orele 18:30, la Hotel Sofitel Luxembourg Europe, în Luxemburg, va avea loc conferința dedicată românilor din diasporă un proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014 – 2020, dezvoltat de Asociația Excelsior pentru Excelență în Educație, în parteneriat cu Universitatea ”Constantin Brâncuși” din Târgu-Jiu și…