Doctori Romani in Luxemburg si Marea Regiune – REN Series Event – 4 iunie 2021

Medicii constituie o categorie profesională importantă a comunității românești la Luxembourg. Urmatoarea editie a “Romanian Entrepreneurship Network” reunește intr-un webinar extraordinar un panel de doctori romani in Marele Ducat si Marea Regiune. Trăim o perioada in care sistemul medical din întreaga lume este sub o presiune extraordinara și intr-o transformare majora. In acest context, discutam cu…

Webinar S.E.M Lilian Zamfiroiu – Ambassadeur de Roumanie invité Romlux Asbl

)Le 14 mai prochain nous avons l’honneur d’accueillir S.E.M. Lilian Zamfiroiu, Ambassadeur de Roumanie à Luxembourg, lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle des membres Romlux Asbl 2021. Le webinaire sera diffusé sur la chaine Youtube Romlux TV (lien ci-dessous) et pourra être suivi partout dans le monde en streaming live. Durant ce webinaire exceptionnel, nous allons…

Digital Meetup: Atelier Stres Management

 “Nu stresul ne ucide, ci reacția noastră la el…” – Hans Seyle – nominalizat la Premiul Nobel pentru sudiile facute asupra stressului Pandemie, distanțare socială, Home working, Home schooling toate aceste schimbări majore au adus in viețile noastre stres, îngrijorare, nesiguranța. Cum facem fata acestei presiuni? Cum facem fata stresului creat? Poate un mai bun…

Luxembourg offers a wide range of opportunities to companies that are part of the data-driven digital economy

Luxembourg is home to a competitive data-driven economy, and the national strategy for data-driven innovation confirms the government’s ambition to remain a pioneer in digital innovation. Initiatives on high-performance computing (HPC) and big data have resulted in Luxembourg being designated as host of the EU’s future EuroHPC agency, and the country was the first to…

Bucharest – New Destination

Luxembourg and Romania are linked through historical and close cultural ties, with business cooperation on continuously ascending trend. The opening of a direct route has been lobbied intensely by the local Romanian community, Romanian Embassy and equally by the large employers in Luxembourg and the business communities. The direct air connection between Luxembourg and Bucharest…

Cercle Münster – récital de bienfaisance en faveur du Bazar International le 24 Octobre 2019

Chers amis et sympathisants, Nous avons l’immense plaisir de vous inviter à notre traditionnel récital de bienfaisance en faveur du Bazar International, qui se tiendra dans l’agréable ambiance du Cercle Munster. La soprano Elena Tanase et la mezzo-soprano Ruxandra Barac, accompagnées au piano par Katrin Reifenrath ont préparé un excellent programme de musicals et chansons que…