Sport4Bazar 10.07.2022

Dragi membrii / Chers membres / Dear members, Va reamintim de ultimul eveniment înaintea vacantei de vara: Sport4Bazar va avea loc in data de 10.07.2022. Simte-te bine facand SPORT şi CARITATE în acelaşi timp! Înregistrează-ti acum echipa de fotbal (4+1), padel (dublu) sau yoga individual, pe pentru o zi de sport, distracţie şi bunadispozitie într-un…

Marco Houwen – The path of a Zentrapreneur

Walking the zenentrepreneurial path – the intricacies of professional and personal journey presented by a serial entrepreneur About this event During this exchange Marco will share his experiences as entrepreneur, father, husband in an unconventional way. Marco Houwen has long been the “Internet and Cloud guy” in Luxembourg. His atypical career of more than 20…

Revealed – Romanian Entrepreneurial Women Empowered to Accomplish their Limitless and Extraordinary Dreams

Dear friends, members and partners, As announced during the 2022 Members’ New Year Meeting, RomLux is happy to officially launch a new project: Revealed – Romanian Entrepreneurial Women Empowered to Accomplish their Limitless and Extraordinary Dreams. Revealed aims to identify, promote and support Romanian entrepreneurial women, with main focus on sustainability, made in Romania, hand…

REN cu profesionistii romani din AI – intelegerea ecosistemului luxemburghez

REN WEBINAR adresat profesioniștilor și companiilor in domeniul AI – ecosistemul luxemburghez și oportunitățile pentru companiile românești Sunteți invitați la un prim eveniment REN pe tema inteligenței artificiale. Luxemburg a ridicat digitalizarea și inteligenta artificiala la nivel de prioritate guvernamentala acum câțiva ani și de atunci rezultatele nu au întârziat sa apară. Ambition #1: – To be among…

ROMLUX Brings Together Entrepreneurs at Romanian National Day Celebrations

On Wednesday 1 December 2021, the Romania-Luxemburg Business Forum (ROMLUX asbl) organised a Romanian Entrepreneurs Network (REN) event coinciding with Romania’s National Day. ROMLUX was created in 2007 to encourage the development of economic, cultural, scientific and diplomatic relations between Romania and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The REN is one of the ROMLUX initiative,…

Pré-vente Bazar International

Chers amis, Le stand roumain du Bazar International a le plaisir de vous inviter à une pré-vente d’objets artisanaux réalisés par des créateurs roumains. Les bénéfices seront intégralement versés au Bazar International. Faites-vous plaisir à vous ou à vos proches grâce aux divers produits présentés dans le catalogue joint : bijoux, céramique, vêtements, décoration. Pour…