Why join us?
Romania Luxembourg Business Forum Asbl (RomLux) is the accredited Romanian Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg. Our mission is to strengthen the ties between Luxembourg and Romania by promoting economic, commercial, scientific, and cultural exchanges. We achieve that by:
- providing mutual assistance and experience sharing among its members in various economic sectors;
- organising charitable and cultural events in both countries, such as the Romanian stand at the famous Luxembourg Bazar International and dinner concerts with Romanian musicians and opera singers;
- liaising and ensuring cooperation with the other Chambers of Commerce;
- creating a communication platform for the two business communities;
- offering members new business connections, seminars, conferences, company visits, and trade missions to Romania in cooperation with the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.
To join, simply fill out the registration form.
If you have any questions about membership or upcoming events, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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- Facebook RomLux Asbl
- Facebook for Romania @ Bazar International
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Highlights of our activity (end of 2024)
During the 17 years of our existence, we organised more than 150 events with trusted partners.
2024 RomLux Highlights:
- Luxembourg Internet Days – 19-20 Nov 2024. We set up a Romanian pavilion, where Romanian businesses joined as exhibitors, an initiative in partnership with LU CIX Management GIE (Economic Interest Group). Importantly, Romania was an official partner to this event. More details to read in the dedicated article here.
- Trade Mission to Romania – 30 Sept-3 Oct 2024. The programme of the mission, including the B2B meetings focused on Space, Cybersecurity, IT/Data Management, Fintech, Logistics and Industry. The event was organised in collaboration with Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and the embassies in both countries. The Luxembourg delegation was composed of 42 participants, including representatives from 22 companies and 12 institutions/organisations.
- NEXUS2050 – 17-18 June 2024. We organised the Romanian pavilion, where we invited 8 Romanian start-ups to join us as exhibitors. The pavilion also served as a meeting place for entrepreneurs present at the event, who wanted to hear more about the fast-developing tech business environment in Romania.
- Enlargement of EU, Schengen Area & European Elections – 5 June 2024. An open panel of discussion held in collaboration with Luxembourg Times, in a relaxed informal atmosphere and touching upon some of the burning questions ahead of the European Elections.
2023 RomLux Highlights:
- Designed, built and launched RomLux Connect – First ever Directory of Romanian Business in Luxembourg. It was possible thanks to a grant from Departamentul Romanilor de Pretutindeni.
If you are a company offering any type of expertise in Luxembourg or Greater Region and having ties to Romania or Romanian resources, or need the services of a company, register on the platform and grow the network, just use the platform and share it with other peers. We’re at the very beginning with this matchmaking platform but we strongly believe in supporting its growth.
- 16 events and actions organised during the year! 11 other events supported or attended by RomLux
- 44 new members – RomLux counted 148 members as at 31 December 2023.
- Facilitated the participation of Romanian startups and founders to major annual Tech events in Luxembourg such as: ICT Spring Europe, New Space Europe, ARCH Summit, 5G Conference, Luxembourg Internet Days and Nexus 2050.
- Record charity donation in 16 years of participation to Bazar International: €13,500.
- Organised 1st REPATRIOT Summit in Luxembourg in partnership with Romanian Business Leaders (RBL).
- Launched RomLux Knowledge Café series.
- Supported and lobbied for the decision to organise the first ever Official Economic Mission from Luxembourg to Romania with Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and Luxembourg Ministry of Economy (see 2024 RomLux Highlights).
Examples of earlier achievements:
2022 – For the first time in the history of relationships between our two countries, we organised an Innovation Business Mission from Luxembourg to Romania. The goal of this business visit was to promote and share the opportunity that Luxembourg offers as a gateway to EU/Global market for both business and innovation. We had an outstanding delegation composed of the most representative innovation organisations in Luxembourg during three days in Bucharest: Luxinnovation, Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg, LhoFT, Luxembourg for Finance, LPEA, European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC), Asteroid Foundation, LIST, StartUP Luxembourg, SnT – Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, Dupont, Moniflo, Pandemsafe, SES etc.
2018-2022 – We organised roadshows for important financial sectors, as it was the case of Romanian Venture Capital to Luxembourg in 2018 and helped Romanian companies involved in SpaceTech to connect with the Luxembourg Space Agency.
2021 – We successfully lobbied for Luxair to open a direct line between Luxembourg and Bucharest.
2013 – RomLux created the Romanian Business Network (RBN) to support the Romanian entrepreneurship in Luxembourg and the Greater Region. The main goal was to create and maintain a collaboration platform dedicated to entrepreneurs, chefs d’entreprise and experts to support each other and to promote the businesses based in Romania, values or human resources.
We regularly organise RBN events on specific themes or business sectors.
2007, 2016 and 2017 – We facilitated the meeting of officials from both countries with entrepreneurs and the local business community, as it was the case during the visits of the last two presidents of Romania to Luxembourg in 2007 and 2016, or during Luxembourg’s prime minister latest visit to Romania in 2017.
Other achievements include cultural and scientific events such as:
- the art exhibition held at the HQ of Amazon in Luxembourg, featuring artists Remus Botarro, Constantin Brancusi, Edward Steichen, Rodin & Modigliani;
- concerts with Dan Grigore and Gheorghe Zamfir in Conservatoire of Luxembourg; or the Stradivarius violin of Razvan Stoica in Philharmonie in 2019;
- Asteroid Days series, science events with the Romanian cosmonaut Dorin Prunariu and Georges Schmit, a prominent Luxembourgish civil servant member of the advisory board of the SpaceResources initiative.
Short overview of Romania’s economy
Romania remains largely unexplored by Luxembourg SMEs, especially compared to Belgium, France and Germany, which are top investors in the region. However, Romania offers significant opportunities for growth and innovation, backed by a well-educated workforce and EU funding. From 2000 to 2019, Romania recorded the highest labour productivity growth among 11 Central and Eastern European countries.
The country boasts various EU financing programs and a strong pool of digital tech skills, along with a young generation proficient in foreign languages and eager to learn. Romania is projected to be the EU’s third fastest-growing economy in 2024 and is already the largest economy in Southeastern Europe.
While investment opportunities abound, it’s important to have local knowledge supported by sound analysis We aim to provide a realistic perspective on achieving sustainable success in Romania.
Join us to enhance competitiveness, find new providers, and tap into a market of 20 million professionals and consumers! At RomLux, we offer tailored experiences to meet your business needs and help you navigate this vibrant country. While we don’t conduct business for you, we can connect you with trusted contacts and provide a valuable map for your journey. As a non-profit bilateral chamber of commerce, we are a network of like-minded individuals dedicated to bridging businesses and fostering cultural and entrepreneurial initiatives between Luxembourg and Romania.
Key facts for Luxembourg-based businesses looking to invest in Romania:
- Strategic Location and EU Membership: Romania’s location at the crossroads of Central and Eastern Europe provides access to important markets. As a member of the European Union since 2007, Romania benefits from trade agreements and regulatory frameworks that facilitate business operations within the EU. Moreover, Romania is integrated quite well in the EU value chains. This increasing integration means that Romanian economy will be able to adapt more easily to technological changes – we are at a lesser risk to lose ‘tech trains’ that other CEE countries might catch. And Romania is a very pro-EU country. The legal framework update and harmonisation has been a continuous process since the EU accession, is top on the agenda under the RRF/PNRR, and the OECD accession exercise will bring even more transparency at institutional level and in the way of doing business.
- Growing Economy: Romania has shown steady economic growth (projected to be the 3rd fastest-growing economy in the EU in 2024 and is already the largest economy in southeastern Europe), driven by sectors such as IT, cybersecurity, space and defence, tourism, as well as logistics, automotive, and manufacturing. The country’s GDP growth rates have been robust, and there is a rising middle class that increases domestic consumption and demand for various products and services.
In innovation, Romanian firms are adopting the Internet of Things (IoT)[1] at a higher rate than the EU average (52% vs. 41%), while their use of Big Data/AI (23%) and virtual reality (7%) aligns closely with EU averages (29% and 11%). However, they are lagging behind in leveraging 3-D printing, robotics, digital platforms, and drones, which highlights areas for potential investment.
In the area of climate change and energy efficiency, half (51%) of Romanian firms have already invested in tackling the impacts of weather events and reducing carbon emissions and an even larger proportion (66%) plans to invest in the next three years, according to the EIB Investment Survey in Romania (2023). The planned investment figure is higher than the EU average (54%).
However, Romanian firms view availability of finance as an obstacle for investments. In this respect, the good news is that, in 2023, Romania was the second biggest beneficiary of European Investment Bank (EIB) Group financing, compared to the size of its economy. New financing committed in 2023 was €4.1 billion, which is nearly 1.3% of Romanian GDP[2]. And when it comes to offering alternative financing needs, the EIB subsidiary, European Investment Fund (EIF) had its best year in Romania in 2023. Through its FoF, in VC and equity, the EIF has been the most important catalyst of the market in Romania, for the last decade.
This is only one example of ongoing EU funding programmes.
- Skilled Workforce and Competitive Costs: Romania boasts a highly educated and skilled workforce, particularly in fields like engineering, IT, and sciences. Labor costs are relatively lower than in Western Europe, making it an attractive destination for companies looking to optimise their operational expenses while still accessing a talented pool of professionals. This being said, addressing social needs, such as education and skills remains a priority – and where there’s a need, there is an opportunity for investment.
Key facts for Romanian-based businesses looking to invest in Luxembourg:
- Favourable Tax Environment: Luxembourg is known for its attractive tax regime, including low corporate tax rates and various tax incentives for businesses. The country has a network of double taxation treaties that can help minimise tax liabilities for international operations, making it appealing for companies looking to optimise their tax strategies.
- Strategic Location and Access to Markets: Located in the heart of Europe, Luxembourg provides easy access to major European markets. Its proximity to countries like Germany, France, and Belgium facilitates trade and logistics, making it an ideal base for businesses targeting European customers.
- Strong Financial and Business Infrastructure: Luxembourg has a well-developed financial sector and offers a robust legal framework for businesses. The country is home to many international banks, investment funds and financial services firms, providing a supportive ecosystem for startups and established businesses alike. Additionally, the multilingual workforce and business-friendly environment enhance operational efficiency.
Market Watch: https://www.cc.lu/fileadmin/user_upload/tx_ccagenda/MARKET_WATCH_ROMANIA_2023.pdf
[1] Source: EIB Investment Survey – Romania
[2] EIB Press Release: EIB reports record financing for Romanian economy, as President Calviño visits Bucharest